Assertive Communication
“This was an excellent session, one of the best I have been to. I really enjoyed the role play and the fact we were able to provide our feedback on how this could have been improved after we had gained a better grasp of the different contributing factors.”
Delegate, Maximising Personal Impact, NHS
Not having the confidence to deal with difficult situations effectively, assertively and without creating conflict can often cause friction, confusion or even the failure of a task for a collaborative group. It is especially important that each individual in a group has the ability to present ideas and opinions in way that enables them to feel heard and respected. It is equally important however, that members of the collaborative process are able to say "no" in a constructive and productive way in order to move forward with key decision making.
In order to develop key assertiveness skills, delegates can expect to develop an understanding of different behaviours and personality types in a group environment. Crucially, they will develop their own style of assertive communication by gaining a deeper understanding of behaviours, including their own, and through applying skills in collaborative exercises.
This training course uses professional actor-facilitators to demonstrate assertive, passive and aggressive behaviours enabling participants to recognise their own behaviours and that of their colleagues. Participants will identify key areas in their work life in which collaboration is key and how they can behave more assertively in these instances. They will be given the tools to handle collaborative situations confidently and will interact with our actor-facilitators to practice assertive communication.
Benefits for the delegate:
Communicate needs, wants and objectives clearly to become a more assertive leader
Build self esteem and improve confidence with work based challenges
Contribute to the progress of your team through decision making, assertiveness and respect
Benefits for the organisation:
Improve communication throughout organisation
Promote team building by improving interpersonal relationships throughout organisation
Improve self esteem, confidence and effectiveness of influencers and other valued staff
By the end of the session delegates
can expect to have:
Developed an understanding of ‘behaviour roles’ within a group and how they relate to their own personal traits in collaborative situations
Discovered how to identify key behaviours in others when working in collaborative situations
Observed, reflected and experienced the differences between non-assertiveness VS aggression in body language, behaviour, conversation and feedback
Applied skills on how to communicate assertively as part of a group in a confident, constructive and positive way
Developed a style of assertiveness to reflect their personality to best contribute to a collaborative task
Worked in a safe learning environment with actor facilitators. Used reactive situations to apply key assertiveness skills and behaviours to achieve an ideal outcome.